HannahG’s COVID-19 FAQs

With the constant changes due to COVID-19, we wanted to make sure and keep our community up to date on how our business will be operating. We will continue to update our FAQs as more information comes to light and additional updates and changes are made.

HannahG’s COVID-19 FAQs Answered

Are you offering take out and delivery?

Yes, we are offering both take out and delivery during our normal business hours.

How can I place orders for take out and delivery?

You can submit your food orders to OrdersAtHannahGs@Gmail.com. Here are the time windows to place your order:

For Same Day Pick-Up:

  • Order between 12-2 PM
  • Pick-up between 4-6 PM

For Same Day Delivery:

  • Order between 12-2 PM
  • Delivery between 5-6 PM

For Next Day Pick-Up

  • Order between 6-8 PM
  • Pick-up the next day between 9:30 AM-6 PM

Please make sure to include the following information in your order:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Order
  • Pick-up or Delivery?
  • Address if delivery
  • Requested Date/Time
  • Cash or Venmo?

We will send you a response with the following:

  • Confirmation of Date/Time
  • Order Total
  • Venmo Name: @Donna-McCarthy-7310